All up and down 44th is a busy place for cats and their caregivers. Jerrid was a kind man who got involved when a momma and four older kittens showed up on his property. Like so many others, he put out food and shelters for them. They didn’t want to be touched but they appreciated the food and shelters.
Momma was hit by a car shortly after. The kittens kept coming and kept him company in the early morning when he had his coffee on the porch.
Three Siamese and one Russian Blue, all beautiful and healthy. He assumed they were dumped.
These kittens were older and their human compatibility was unknown, so IHS would neuter them
and return them to the location where they were trapped. GCCCP felt they had potential. We register as fosters for this very situation. Our fosters started taming them.
It only took a few weeks for two of the Siamese to be ready for homes. Soon after Ash, the Russian Blue, didn’t like being alone, so he was ready to make friends. All three were adopted the day they went to the adoption floor!
Gabriel the Siamese is the only one left. He’s shy but sweet. His foster loves to see him transition into a trusting companion.